It is said eyes are able to communicate what is inside you: your emotions, thoughts, feelings, fears and so on.
R. Magritte painted The false mirror in 1928 .
It is like a camera shot : in the middle there is a black iris, instead of the sun in a cloudy blue sky.
What is the truth? Is the eye reflecting what is outside or is it the mirror of the soul?
The truth is not just one, it has always two or many faces.
R. Magritte painted The false mirror in 1928 .
It is like a camera shot : in the middle there is a black iris, instead of the sun in a cloudy blue sky.
What is the truth? Is the eye reflecting what is outside or is it the mirror of the soul?
The truth is not just one, it has always two or many faces.
I think that the truth is not just one, the eye is the mirror of the soul because reflects the things those are around it. We can see what is inside someone: his emotions, thought, feeling, fears and so on, because the people’s eyes are the doors of their souls, we can pretend to be happy with a smile but our eyes will show the truth, what are our real emotions. Maybe with this picture the artist wants paint the freedom of his soul. Maybe the cloudy blue sky is shutted (up) in the artist’s mind like a dream but the black iris that symbolizes an obscure sun is the hard truth: all his dream cannot come true... The eyes can be blue, black, green, brown but when you look someone in the eyes you haven’t to stop at the appearance you can see what the person in front of you is thinking about you, about the life, you can see if that person is suffering. The eyes are mirror like the soul because they both reflect what the life offers what is inside us what are our dreams. This paint has many faces we don’t know what is the truth, but this is what I think.
ReplyDeletethe post says:
ReplyDeleteIs the eye reflecting what is outside or is it the mirror of the soul?In our opinion the eye reflects the outer world that is rapresented by white clouds and the blue sky.
On the conrary the black irid represents the obscure inner world. This image let us travel into the misterious mind world
So the image represents the double face of the reality!
by chiara sarrica e tinè
Trying to understand if eyes are or not the mirror of the soul is a problem. The picture is very beautiful but in unreal, and so we must take such simple observations. For example... There I an African child on TV: look at him, look at his skin, look at his hands, look his eyes... you realize that you could only see his eyes to understand his feelings. He has closed eyes, watery eyes, dead eyes; eyes which have had a very difficult life, poor life... Now you think a baleful person who has intriguing eyes. So be careful, we must not always believe eyes because they can mislead you.
ReplyDeleteI think eyes are a photocopy of the soul but like all the copies are not identical to the original page which is difficult to interpret
I really like this picture.Reflects the reatily
ReplyDeletethat only the eyes can see.I think that the eyes express what we are not able to express or understand...the eyes are the mirror of our
fact, according to many eyes are the means of communication worldwide ... no matter the color or cut, but many unfortunately have not received this gift and can not appreciate the most out of life
ReplyDeletethen in my opinion, his eyes reflect what we are, what we feel before we talk
Is a very beautiful painting and I can easily find myself in agreement with the artist. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Unfortunately, people today are limited to appearances, we must seek the good in another. Is a gift of a few people know how to read the feelings of the person you have in front, through the eyes. It is said that you can look at the eyes of the person you love, and even though I'm young, I never stop to appearances. Always start with a positive impression of people, even if most of them disappoint me patience, but that's life! -_-''