Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How green are you?

Did you know that there is more to being green than recycling newspapers and using unleaded fuel? Here is a test to check your ecological intelligence.
1 Which uses the most energy?
a)a fridge b)a cooker c)a washing maschine
2 What is the best way to make cars ecologically safer?
a)buying a car with a catalytic converter
b)using unleaded petrol
c)buying a more fuel efficient car
3 Which of the following does not damage human health?
b)roast beef
c)excessive intake of vitamin C
4 Which uses the most water in the home?
a)the toilet
b)the bath
c)the washing maschine
d)the dishwasher
5 Which of these statemens about ozone friendly aerosol cans is true?
a)they contain no ozone damaging propellents
b)they are biodegradable
c)they are recyclable
6 Which is the best way of improving the quality of drinking water?
a)buying bottled water
b)collecting rainwater
c)lobbying for a dual water supply
d boiling tap water
7 Which is the best way to dispose of waste?
a)burning it in incinerators
8 Which is the most environment-friendly form of energy?
a)nuclear power

The right answers are:1b,2a,3c,4a,5c,6c,7b,8c
If you want to improve your position and become a true ecological intelligence visit the following website


  1. I have done the test, and I confess that I don't know some answers. Whatever I think I'm a true ecologist. I do everythingh to respect the nature: to make recicling, to plant new trees, to save light and water, to walk or to take public transport etc. To protect the Earth we must do these little actions. If they are made in community, they can be decisive to avoid an impending global disaster.

  2. Looking at these questions I say whether to take also takes care of him few of the environment it would not hurt anybody, also with small gestures for instance to recycle the paper, to save energy avoiding,the destruction of the forests etc.. we can improve the conditions of the environment that are today still precarious preventing so global disasters.

  3. it's really important to recycle and i don't know if i'm a true ecologist, but i think we must do many little things to save the earth.
