In 1994 Yasser Arafat (the leader of ALP), Shimon Peres (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel) and Yithzak Rabin (Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Israel) won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to create the peace in Middle East.
Since many years the conflicts between Palestine and Israel neighbour states were the must menacing for the international politics and have caused suffering for many people.
With many accords especially the Oslo Accord, Arafat, Rabin and Peres have made a contribute to make peace among this countries by cooperation to replace the hate.
by Emanuele and Francesco
Clinton, Arafat and Rabin after the Washington Accord
Hmm, political situation in Middle-East have always been bad, and we know it by daily news on tv, newspapers ,etc... Maybe times are changing, and we could hope in a better future.