Heidemarie Schwermer, author of the book "LIVING WITHOUT MONEY" in which she recounts, with moments of despair, great victories and spiritual crises, produces a radical change in her life through the ideal "Have nothing to be sight" so that it can serve as an impetus for change involving the society around, focusing on money and the commoditization of relationships. Her "new life" begins with the opening of a center of free trade called "Give and take," later after she consolidated its, she got rid of her furniture, of her apartment and of her psychotherapy studio. Here is the fabric of relations that was constructed by replacing the dependency with the interdependence, so she starts a new company focusing on small personal contribution of every individual they form and not on the cold and dirty money. In this way is solidarity over to keep us together that makes us go on towards a better future. Heidemarie instead of devotinge her time to work and to earn money to buy things, use her time to form relationships from which she gets everything she needs. Others do not make love, she offers in return her time, her professionality.
by gianni bonanno III O
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