Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hamlet and Polonius

Polonius is an ambiguous Hamlet’s character. He’s the chamberlain of Denmark’s king (before the Hamlet’s father and then Claudio) and he’s Ofelia and Laerte’s father.
Hamlet discovers the truth about his father’s death by the uncle Claudio and he will become crazy to say the truth.
so Polonius will play the role to discover what’s happened to Hamlet, by order of Claudius, and what’s the origin of his madness.
Polonius will brake daughter’s amorous passion, warns love that Hamlet has for her ,then he will think this love is Hamlet’s madness.
Polonius resembles the parasite of Plautus’commedy, who tells “yes” when his boss says “yes” and tells “no” when his boss says “no”.
Hamlet demonstrate this aspect of Polonius describing a cloud. He changes the subject that attribute to the cloud, asking for confirmation to Polonius who indulge him in everything.
Polonius has a sad death because he is killed by Hamlet.
Polonius was hidden in queen Gertrude’s room to hear the conversation between mother and son.
Unfortunately the voice betrayed him ,so Hamlet thoughts it was the object of his hatred and kill him.
Polonius’s death upset a bit all Denmark’s court, but most of all his daughter Ophelia who will go crazy and will die.

by chiara tinè

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