The Hubble is a space telescope located in the outer layers of the atmosphere about 600 k altitude, in orbit around the Earth.
It was launched on 24 April 1990 with the Space Shuttle Discovery as a combined project of NASA and ESA.The telescope can reach a better angular resolution than 0.1 arcsec. Its name comes from Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer.
Observing outside the atmosphere has many advantages, because the atmosphere distorts the images and filters out electromagnetic radiation at certain wavelengths, especially ultraviolet.On 27 January 2007, the telescope came into a “safemode” phase, for a failure. The Advanced Camera for Surveys instrument has stopped working and NASA engineers have disabled the instrument to allow the use of other instruments aboard the telescope. On 11th May 2009, the Space Shuttle Atlantis was launched for the fourth and final servicing mission to the telescope, and it completed successfully.
Thanks to Hubble we could extend our knowledge about space:Hubble shots exceptional images of the collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter in 1994.
- Hubble discovered that planets are also present around other stars different from Sun. Hubble also is responsible for the primacy of the first image of a planet outside the solar collection by an optical telescope. The picture, released in November 2008 shows the Fomalhaut b planet surrounded by protoplanetary disk of dust and gas surrounding its star, Fomalhaut .
- Hubble discovered that planets are also present around other stars different from Sun. Hubble also is responsible for the primacy of the first image of a planet outside the solar collection by an optical telescope. The picture, released in November 2008 shows the Fomalhaut b planet surrounded by protoplanetary disk of dust and gas surrounding its star, Fomalhaut .
- Hubble also showed that dark matter in our galaxy can not be formed only by faint stars not yet observed.
- Some observations suggest that our universe is in a state of accelerated expansion.
- The theory that lots of galaxies contain black holes in their nucleus has been partially confirmed by several observations.
- In December 1995, after having compared a picture called the Hubble Deep Field Hubble, it reinforced the hypothesis that the Universe is uniform on a large scale, and the Earth occupies a place like others in the Universe.
L.Scientifico B.Croce
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