Is it the end of the world?
No panic! it's just a locust!
This photo was taken from my classroom window. It is very impressive!
One day we saw a locust attached to our classroom window and so our mind and our imagination woke up. The first thing we thought was the liberation of the Jews from the slavery in Egypt ...
Moses, helped by divine power, unleashed a tremendous storm of ten plagues on the people. The eighth one was that of the locusts that ravaged the fields and everything around. This is a beautiful story! Can you imagine, if the ten plagues happened today? Do you think the world could resist?
After reflecting on the story, we've thought about nowadays. Think of the poor insects living in the city ... heat, smog, noise! As soon as possible they fly roaming around to find a corner in the nature and relax themselves, but they are disturbed by men! So we have to respect nature because it can rebel and devastate the environment we think to own...
And what bout you, reader of this post?
Foto di Salvatore Lo Cascio
How green are you? How much do you respect nature and the environment you live in?
Salvatore Lo Cascio III O
I think this article is very interesting. If will be a locust's attack, we won't survive!!!