Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How green are you?

Did you know that there is more to being green than recycling newspapers and using unleaded fuel? Here is a test to check your ecological intelligence.
1 Which uses the most energy?
a)a fridge b)a cooker c)a washing maschine
2 What is the best way to make cars ecologically safer?
a)buying a car with a catalytic converter
b)using unleaded petrol
c)buying a more fuel efficient car
3 Which of the following does not damage human health?
b)roast beef
c)excessive intake of vitamin C
4 Which uses the most water in the home?
a)the toilet
b)the bath
c)the washing maschine
d)the dishwasher
5 Which of these statemens about ozone friendly aerosol cans is true?
a)they contain no ozone damaging propellents
b)they are biodegradable
c)they are recyclable
6 Which is the best way of improving the quality of drinking water?
a)buying bottled water
b)collecting rainwater
c)lobbying for a dual water supply
d boiling tap water
7 Which is the best way to dispose of waste?
a)burning it in incinerators
8 Which is the most environment-friendly form of energy?
a)nuclear power

The right answers are:1b,2a,3c,4a,5c,6c,7b,8c
If you want to improve your position and become a true ecological intelligence visit the following website

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Did you know we are at the Third Industrial Revolution?
I miss the second one.
And what is the 3rd one? Visit the website about it and learn, unlearn and relearn. That is what Europe is expecting from us: being LLP users and GOOD LUCK to everybody!

Monday, July 20, 2009

40 years ago on the same day

It was like today. It was so thrilling waking up the next day and walking to the beach, listening to everyone talking about the last news, never heard before: three astronauts on the moon.
All our faith in the science was reinforced by the NASA research and its new discoveries.
A new era was born and we were conscious witnesses.
What was discovered those years was just the beginning of the internet connections we are using today with the New Media. We could not imagine its positive consequences on our daily life.
When the shuttle was landed and the first steps on the moon were moved, there was a moment without breathing on the Earth. The TV images we were watching at home were real and we were present with our human body in that piece of history.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do you agree with Sat-Nav?

The best way to explore new lands or simple to travel is using a Satellite Navigator. But its very first use was for the military force, most of all for enemies' foreign territories, in Asia or Middle East. There is a long story from the first Live-Maps to the actual GPS and the use of it to control the road map.
Let's go and inform us better on this subject.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Tower of St.Nicholas from Bari

It was built in the XIII century and belongs to the the late gotish style. Its origin is dubious because it was built as guard tower in the Middle ages. It is made of calctufa, 35 mt. high, with 83 steps to reach the roof terrace, called Terrazza Palermo, to admire one of the most marvellous and unforgettable sights of the city and its surrounding landscape. It has been restored after 40 years and now is accessible for visits and exhibitions. The Tower shows double lancet windows with lava decorations.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

All we need is Love

The example and witness of Mother Teresa of Calcutta is neverending for us and the world populations, always in war and struggle each other, fighting for justice, equality, right to freedom, to survive against famine, and, better, to live as human beings. Two third of the world population is starving while the left is wasting time and money in leisure activities, boredom and loss of meaning of their life.
But our soul is screaming: I thirst as Jesus on the Cross before dying.
We are thirsty for justice, freedom, peace, equal rights for everybody to live in the same conditions all over the world, not only in the richest societies.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Who knows it?

The West society mass media do not inform us about what is happening in Gaza strip. Nobody wants to know but thanks to New Media we all are informed and can contrast in favour to the truth and justice for people closed in an outdoor jail like Gaza strip and all the territories belonging to the Palestinian people.
We want free people in a free state. Free Palestina !