Friday, April 30, 2010

1st May in the world

 It is  Workers's Day in Italy "FESTA DEI LAVORATORI”. This date was chosen   to remember  the worker’s struggles, fought to get the limit of eight hours working a day.  Infact the first May 1886 there was a change: 4000 workers began to protest the lack of protection   of their rights and the law of the limit  of eight hours of work was approved. Today the first May is no longer synonymous  of struggle and deaths, but an opportunity to organize day out in the country with family and friends.

The picture shows one of many demonstrations.
Marisa Triolo

Monday, April 26, 2010

SSSimply SSSilky shampoo

  Simply Silky Shampoo
Never seen before. 
This product 
makes your hair 
You should absolutlely buy it 
because it’s a super product  .
Simply silky shampoo


                                                                    by STΣLLΛ __ ∂ o L c ℮ .

Saturday, April 24, 2010

About wars ....

abstract.jpg In Italy the “festa della liberazione” is when the people remember  the liberation from Nazism. During the second world war Italy was divides into two parts: the northern  one where there were Benito Mussolini and the Fascists allied with the Nazis, and the southern Italy with the Badoglio’s government with American and British allies.The so called "partigiani"fought
against the Nazists in southern Italy. That time was called “RESISTENZA”. Everyone took part to it:  men, women, children etc… because they wanted democracy and freedom.
On 25th April 1945 the partisans  with American allies troups entered  the main Italian cities ending the fascist dictatorship for making  Italy free, and after three years  the republic was born.

Armeni’s Genocide

I read an article about the genocide that started on 25th April 1915. A lot of Armeni lived in Turkey. This story has always been hidden because the state of Turkey wanted to have a population made up of only Turkish people. The fight was against the Turkish citizen. Still today we don’t know the real reason why all that happened.

Here are some terrible pictures taken from the web.

                                                                                                                              By Simona Fasullo IIIS

With good manners you can get everything


by Giordano Marco III S

Good Manners Always Work!

When you are in a bad situation and you don't know what to do... don't worry!! Good Manners will save you!

by Mauro Scuderi  III S

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Earthday in my school

My High school L. Scientifico Benedetto Croce from Palermo celebrated the Earthday.
I painted a mural with other people... The mural was about the famous painting Venus by Botticelli, the polluted Earth, the waste left by the man and a rainbow. over it all............
Further more we also made various posters among which one about the Earth's Lament.  Here  you can listen to an example.            

by Domenico Mattogno III S

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Antonio Lisotta's story


“Sport – Antonino Lisotta trusts- has helped me to get out of depression, has given me human dignity, made me rediscover the meaning of everything; in other words it  opened me to others, helped me to socialize and has given meaning to my life. I say this because I really hope that my example will serve to anyone else. "
"Then - Lisotta concludes - I would devote my qualification to the Paralympic Games in Beijing 2008 to all the children in the world, disabled or not, inviting them to go out and to do sports."

The story of Antonino Lisotta, who remained paraplegic in a work accident, and now is the national champion in archery, and who partecipeted to Olympic Games in Beijing 2008, is the demonstration that you can raise your life again with the help of family and sport.

by M. Giordano III S

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good manners

Are you polite enough?

 If so, you could be like them.
Do you use any words like "excuse me", "sorry", "please", etc... in your requests?
Certainly you are one of them!                         
                                                          by A.Civilleri III S