Monday, July 20, 2009

40 years ago on the same day

It was like today. It was so thrilling waking up the next day and walking to the beach, listening to everyone talking about the last news, never heard before: three astronauts on the moon.
All our faith in the science was reinforced by the NASA research and its new discoveries.
A new era was born and we were conscious witnesses.
What was discovered those years was just the beginning of the internet connections we are using today with the New Media. We could not imagine its positive consequences on our daily life.
When the shuttle was landed and the first steps on the moon were moved, there was a moment without breathing on the Earth. The TV images we were watching at home were real and we were present with our human body in that piece of history.


  1. One small step for science, one giant leap for mankind, I believe into this words, although I was not born, but today we can do this thank to that moment, so I can only say: good job guys.

  2. was a small step for man and a great step for science ... I do not think it was the Apollo 11 spacecraft

  3. What an incredible sensation being there, watching with your own naked eyes how the human being was doing his first step outside the Earth... What an incredible sensation saying "I was there! I was watching it on the TV!" and in a way feel like you was there with Armstrong and the other astronauts walking on the Moon, the dream of everybody... Someone says "I'd like to live on the Moon, there's nobody there and I could stay in peace for some time...". Well, I think that nowadays the step of create a city or simply a village on the Moon it's short and Neil Armstrong gave us the impulse to try. I heard about some rich men that bought a part of the Moon surface. They have the deed!!! They have the deed of part of the moon ground!!! Yes, it will cost a lot, 'but have a small piece of the moon (although represented only by a piece of paper) is a certain effect, and, who knows, someday this little piece of paper will be useful to build a small little house on the moon and begin to colonize. I just hope that the Moon does not become a dump in the open as the Earth and that the children of our children know how to respect and not abused. For now we can only dream of and, for those who have the money, take a shuttle for a trip on the moon...

  4. The men are landed on the Moon July 20 th 1969, to the apex of a spatial competition between USSR and United States of America, inspired by the cold war. The first astronaut to walk on the lunar surface was Neil Armstrong commander of the Apollo 11.
    The crew of the Apollo 11 left a plate of stainless steel.
    On the plate you/he/she was written there:

    " Here man from the Planet Earth first set foot upon the moon, July 1969, A.D.
    We came in peace for all mankind. "
