Monday, March 8, 2010

Heidemarie Schwermer: "Living without money"!

Heidemarie Schwermer, author of the book "LIVING WITHOUT MONEY" in which she recounts, with moments of despair, great victories and spiritual crises, produces a radical change in her life through the ideal "Have nothing to be sight" so that it can serve as an impetus for change involving the society around, focusing on money and the commoditization of relationships. Her "new life" begins with the opening of a center of free trade called "Give and take," later after she consolidated its, she got rid of her furniture, of her apartment and of her psychotherapy studio. Here is the fabric of relations that was constructed by replacing the dependency with the interdependence, so she starts a new company focusing on small personal contribution of every individual they form and not on the cold and dirty money. In this way is solidarity over to keep us together that makes us go on towards a better future. Heidemarie instead of devotinge her time to work and to earn money to buy things, use her time to form relationships from which she gets everything she needs. Others do not make love, she offers in return her time, her professionality.

by gianni bonanno III O

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rome, i'm coming....


foto di chiara tinè

Trevi’s fountain is one of the most beautiful and particular fountains in Italy. There are more legends about that … 
-s/he, who drinks the water from the fountain, will return to Rome.....
-s/he, who throws a coin into it, will return to Rome....
-lovers, who drink the water from the fountain on the left side, will be forever happy....
The fountain was built under Pope Clemente XII in 1735 by Arch.Nicolò Salvi. It is supposed the name origin could come from the Latin toponym “region trivia” but some people think the name coul derive from the girl’s name Trivia who indicated the path of the well to Agrippa.
The fountain represents the statue of the god Oceano who leads a shell chariot, carried by a triton and two winged sea horses. One the sides there are the personifications of Salubrity and Abundance whose author is Filippo Della Valle.
On the top of the fountain there are four statues who embody “Fruit Abundance”, “Fertility of the fields”, “The autumn gifts” and “Amenity grassland”.
Besides the Trevi’s fountain is famous for the scene in Fellini’s film “La Dolce Vita” … the most famous scene is Anita Ekberg’s bath at night into the Trevi’s fountain… this is one of the famous shots of all the movies in all times.
Now it's your turn … Are you going back to Rome? 

Will you swear eternal love to your beloved? 
Or are you still waiting to go back to the fountain, to close your eyes and express a wish before throwing a coin?

Rome .. wait for me, I'm coming!

by chiara tiné

The locust

Is it the eighth plague of Egypt?
Is it the end of the world?

No panic! it's just a locust!
This photo was taken from my classroom window. It is very impressive!
One day we saw a locust attached to our classroom window and so our mind and our imagination woke up. The first thing we thought was the liberation of the Jews from the slavery in Egypt ... 

Moses, helped by divine power, unleashed a tremendous storm of ten plagues  on the people. The eighth one was that of the locusts that ravaged the fields and everything around. This is a beautiful story! Can you imagine, if the ten plagues happened today? Do you think the world could resist?

After reflecting on the story, we've thought about nowadays. Think of the poor insects living in the city ... heat, smog, noise! As soon as possible they fly roaming around to find a corner in the  nature and relax themselves, but they are disturbed by men! So we have to respect nature because it can rebel and devastate the environment  we think to own...

And what bout you, reader of  this post?
 Foto di Salvatore Lo Cascio

How green are you? How much do you respect nature and the environment you live in?
Salvatore Lo Cascio III O