Wednesday, June 10, 2009

About walls in the world...

Since the ancient times walls were built for defence from enemies, for preserving the population identity from the outside intrusions. Hadrian's Wall had the purpose to block the attacks from the Northern invadors, the Great Wall of China, the longest one, represents the sign of the borders of the big Empire. It was so at the very beginning, but during the centuries people have learnt to meet and communicate each other. Nowadays the need is going towards the others and delete all the barriers to find friendship and partnership, as we were a unique thing. This could seem utopia but it is the story of our times. So in this context building walls means the contrary of being in peace with the population beyond the wall, wall is used as a ghetto, as it was during nazism.
Building a wall means separation of people from people, being in war, although it was called "cold war". The biggest shame of all the walls today is represented from the walls built in Gaza and in every town of Cisgiordania, for Palestinian people, because as it is said, they represent a danger for Israeli population.
But, as you know, the thief is always afraid to be robbed by anyone!

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