Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day

Why do Italians celebrate the Columbus Day with more emphasis than our Parade for the Festa della Repubblica?
Do Italians have amor di patria?

1 comment:

  1. I don't have anything to comment it because this video affirms everything. It's very beautiful and fantastic. I want to answer the question "do Italians have amor di patria?" I say:"yes, Italian people have amor di patria". Infact, watching the video, you can notice everything. You can watch an intence relation ship between all Italian people. Our history is very important and difficult. We saw the manifestations for the emancipation of the woman, for the job and for peace. We had more important people who fought for peace like Falcone and Borsellino. They fought for an idea and died. Italian people were an only and solid popolation. All together they made history. Today if we want to be solid, we'll be writers of the our history. Together we can do everything. I want to finish as in this video: " you make plans, we make history".
