Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The best video

Here is the best video about the 20th anniversary of the Wall Fall in Berlin. We can  also listen to the song Life is beautiful

1 comment:

  1. This post is moving, the music it's fantastic, very dramatic. All the scenes in this video transmit sadness for the captivity of the German people from 1961 til 1989. Thousands of families were separated for the greed of someone... Greed of power... These greedy States, or rather, these greedy people behind the name of America and Russia knows this greedness as pride and for this phantomatic "pride" they divided an entire State, divided the people inside it, all for this childish competition during the Cold War when Russia and America were competing to decide what State between them would become the strongest in the world leaving out the welfare of citizens. For moving from one side to the other of the wall (which was built in the centre of Berlin) people must pass phisically the wall never mind the barbed wire in front of it, the guards and especially their rifles ready to shoot on sight to frustrate any attempt to escape from East Germany to West Germany or vice versa. Many people died for this stupid wall and above all the foolishness of the human being that devised this stratagem. Finally on 9th November 1989 the German people rebelled and destroyed the wall. it's great to see the military officers who see people running across roadblocks and even incite the crossing... Simply amazing...
